
Leena Pukki (b.1984) is visual artist, who works with media art, sculpture, painting and performance. Pukki is interested of interaction between art and rest of the society, animals, structures, public art, humanity and environment. She has BA from Lahti University of Applied Sciences Art Institute. She has studied art also in Kunsthochschule Berlin‐Weissensee in Berlin and in PUC‐Rio in Rio de Janeiro and took part in many exhibitions and projects in Finland and abroad.


The Greyer (Harmauttaja)

The Greyer is a character dressed up in grey. She wanders around the city painting colorful objects grey. The Greyer has a special interest in advertisements.

The Greyer doesn’t create visual stimulants but erases them. The Greyer doesn’t ask to perform or highlight, only to exist. The Greyer is not going to compete over attention; she’s trying to stop the competition. The greyer is an anti-advertisement, but the Greyer is not entertainment.

The Greyer has understood: let city be grey and nature colorful. The Greyer sizes the city. On the other hand the Greyer has understood everything that is wrong from art, life, pleasure, beauty and entertainment. Grey is all the colors together. Greying is an attempt to concentrate and to calm down. Greying is an attempt to become present in an own space, to occupy space to oneself and to others.

The aim to make visual art is often an urge to leave a mark, be visible or make a statement heard. Non-public things will disappear. Grey is so ordinary, so well-known, that it loses its possibility to publicity, even though it would be presented as public. The Greyer is the shittiest brand in the world. The Greyer is the bleakest artwork.

Follow greyer during the exhibition:

The Greyer
